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Kira Flip Flops
Princess PinkButtercupGuavaSapphireCherrySea GlassLicorice+ 4 more
Chase Flip Flops
SaltCoralElectric PinkChaiLicoriceSapphire+ 3 more
Raffi Slide Sandals
GuavaSapphireSaltLicorice+ 1 more
Twiggy Slide Sandals
LicoricePopsicle PinkSapphire
Blythe Matte Ballet Flats
SapphireLicoriceChaiCherryPebble+ 2 more
Pollie Shiny Ballet Flat
Bow Ballet Flats, Shiny Sangria Shoe
Pink BowNavy BowWhite BowBlack BowOrange BowRed BowYellow Bow+ 4 more
Bow Ballet Flats, Shiny Licorice Shoe
Orange BowRed BowYellow BowBlack BowPink BowWhite BowNavy Bow+ 4 more
Dylan Wedge Flip Flops
LicoriceElectric PinkSapphire
Rumor Shiny Ballet Flats
Bow Ballet Flats, Shiny Sapphire Shoe
Red BowOrange BowYellow BowWhite BowPink BowNavy BowBlack Bow+ 4 more
Delphine Slide Sandals
LicoricePopsicle PinkElemental BlueGuava+ 1 more
Bow Ballet Flats, Matte Licorice Shoe
Orange BowBlack BowWhite BowYellow BowPink BowRed BowNavy Bow+ 4 more
Kalani Slide Sandals
Bow Ballet Flats, Matte Chai Shoe
Black BowNavy BowOrange BowPink BowRed BowWhite BowYellow Bow+ 4 more
Alani Flip Flops
Bow Ballet Flats, Matte Sapphire Shoe
Yellow BowBlack BowNavy BowOrange BowPink BowRed BowWhite Bow+ 4 more
Mera Slide Sandals
CitrineElemental BlueLicoriceSalt+ 1 more
Zuri Slide Sandals
Sol Slide Sandals
ChaiHot ChocolatePopsicle PinkElemental Blue+ 1 more
Bow Ballet Flats, Matte Pebble Shoe
Red BowBlack BowNavy BowOrange BowPink BowWhite BowYellow Bow+ 4 more
Extra CB Grey x Oka-B Ribbon Bows
Mera SetCourtney SetShelby SetSol Set+ 1 more
Sawyer Slide Sandals
Elemental BlueLicoricePopsicle PinkGuava+ 1 more

Why Choose Oka-B?

Handmade With Love

Our shoes are handmade with love in Buford, Georgia, and we're proud to be in the 1% of remaining USA shoe manufacturers.


Our recycled AND recyclable shoes are made with a soy bio-based material. Better for you, and better for our planet.

Shoes That Love You

Water resistant and easy to clean are just a couple of our most-loved shoe features. Our shoes are designed for comfort. Because cute only works if it's also comfortable.