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Millie Flip Flops
IrisChaiSea GlassElectric PinkSapphireCoralSaltLicoriceHot ChocolateCopper+ 7 more
Elle Flip Flops
Princess PinkCoralButtercupGuavaSignature BlueSea GlassCherrySapphireChaiLicoriceSaltHot Chocolate+ 9 more
Sandy Flip Flops
Sea GlassSignature BlueGuavaChaiSapphireLicoriceSalt+ 4 more
Bristol Flip Flops
$19.00 $38.00
Toffee/SaltToffee/Pink SaltToffee/CherryToffee/Sea FoamToffee/Aged GoldLicorice/LicoriceLicorice/Signature BlueLicorice/Pearl+ 5 more
Loren Flip Flops
Electric PinkLicoriceSaltSea GlassSapphireIris+ 3 more
Livie Flip Flops
Sea GlassSaltSignature BlueSapphireChaiLicoriceButtercup+ 4 more
Kira Flip Flops
$37.50 $50.00
CherryPrincess PinkLicoriceSea GlassButtercupGuavaSapphire+ 4 more
Chase Flip Flops
ChaiSaltCoralElectric PinkLicoriceSapphire+ 3 more
Solara Flip Flops
$22.50 $45.00
Toffee/Sangria MandalaToffee/Sea Glass MandalaLicorice/WatermelonToffee/Sea TurtleToffee/Sand DollarLicorice/LeopardToffee/AnchorLicorice/LemonToffee/Beige Mandala+ 6 more
Charmed Millie Flip Flops
SaltCoralLicoriceElectric PinkSea GlassChaiSapphireHot ChocolateIris+ 6 more
Cassina Bow Flip Flops
Licorice SnakeLicorice
Kylie Wedge Flip Flops
Electric PinkSapphireDusty BlueLicoriceChaiSalt+ 3 more
Vivie Flip Flops
Salt/Popsicle PinkElectric PinkCoralLicoriceLicorice/Popsicle PinkIris+ 3 more
Ryann Flip Flops
LicoriceElectric PinkSea GlassCoralSapphireSalt+ 3 more
Greta Slim Flip Flops
$28.50 $38.00
Electric PinkKelly GreenSalt/CherryGuavaLicoriceSignature BlueMandarinPopsicle PinkSaltToffee/CopperSalt/Cobalt+ 8 more
Charmed Kylie Flip Flops
Electric PinkSapphireDusty BlueChaiSaltLicorice+ 3 more
Margot Wedge Flip Flops
SaltLicoriceSapphireDusty Blue+ 1 more
Joy Wedge Flip Flops
SapphireElectric PinkSaltLicorice+ 1 more
Ursula Flip Flops
$25.00 $50.00
SapphireChaiLicoriceSignature BlueSalt+ 2 more
Fleur Flip Flops
$25.00 $50.00
Princess PinkGuavaSapphireLicorice+ 1 more
Alexa Wedge Flip Flops
SaltLicoriceDusty BlueChai+ 1 more
Theresa Flip Flops
SapphireSignature BlueLicoriceSea GlassSalt+ 2 more
Dylan Wedge Flip Flops
Electric PinkSapphireLicorice
Lucky Flip Flops
Sea GlassCoralElectric PinkLicoriceSaltChaiSapphireIris+ 5 more
Kana Wedge Flip Flops
$29.00 $52.00
Licorice/Popsicle PinkElectric PinkSalt/IrisSalt/Popsicle PinkLicorice+ 2 more
Calypso Flip Flop
$25.00 $50.00
SaltChaiSapphireSignature Blue+ 1 more
Looking forward to hitting the beach, going for a summer stroll, or simply having comfortable footwear for everyday use? We carry women’s comfortable flip-flops for sale that are proven to stimulate whole-foot health. From our proprietary bio-based material and recyclable product model to holistic support features, Oka-B’s footwear is unlike any other brand you’ve tried. Each of our supportive women’s flip-flops has built-in heel cups, toe rests, massage beads, and arch support to keep your foot refreshed all day. These features are based on our studies of foot reflexology, the principles that create stronger, healthier feet and bodies. We make our women’s comfortable flip-flops in popular designs and colors, too, so you can find footwear you love with all the health benefits included. Browse our products below!

Why Choose Oka-B?

Handmade With Love

Our shoes are handmade with love in Buford, Georgia, and we're proud to be in the 1% of remaining USA shoe manufacturers.


Our recycled AND recyclable shoes are made with a soy bio-based material. Better for you, and better for our planet.

Shoes That Love You

Water resistant and easy to clean are just a couple of our most-loved shoe features. Our shoes are designed for comfort. Because cute only works if it's also comfortable.